Think 5 to 10 years into the future… what ideas and community aspirations do you have for Glencoe?

An already charming, distinct and beautiful place, the Village of Glencoe is embarking on a community visioning process to help shape its future. Central to this process is hearing from you, our residents, businesses and stakeholders. Explore this website to start sharing.

For the past several months, the Glencoe Plan Commission has been meeting to collaboratively review and provide feedback on draft sections of the comprehensive plan. We look forward to sharing a full draft with the community and receiving public comments in the coming months. Be sure you are subscribed for updates to get the draft delivered to your inbox!

Interactive Mapping

Share Insights

Visit the interactive comment map to start sharing. Tell us what aspects of the community should be strengthened and where opportunities for improvement exist. Simply click the button below and drag-n-drop the icons at the top of the screen to get started.

What places or aspects of Glencoe do you love? Where are areas you would like to see improved? How about locations that present opportunities or challenges? Visit the comment map to start exploring and sharing.

We want to hear from and connect with all of Glencoe. Are you in?!


Have questions or something you’d like to discuss? Connect with the project team by clicking the “connect” button.